Penny Oaks - 28th June 2024

Our latest newsletter
Oracy Exhibition
On Monday we have our Oracy Exhibition. The doors will open at 8.40 a.m. so you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee before the assembly starts at 9.10 a.m. then you will spend time in your child’s class.
Unfortunately, due to trips and staff absences, this will only involve children in Yrs. 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Summer Fair
Reminder: our Summer Fair is on Friday 19th July at 1.30 p.m.
The school will close at 1.15 p.m. in order for the children to attend the fair with their families. If your child normally walks home on their own, an adult will need to collect them.
On Friday 5th July the children can come to school in their own clothes for a donation of a chocolate item. Could you please ensure they do not contain nuts and are in date? Yr. 2 are on a trip so they will need to come to school in their full uniform.
We are also asking for donations of raffle prizes and items for the Bric and Brac Stall. Bric and Brac are second hand items which can include old toys, ornaments, books, etc., that are clean, not broken and in a good working condition.
Any questions please see Miss Garner.
Performance Poetry
Seven Yr. 6 children participated in a Performance Poetry Competition at Co-op Headquarters in Manchester against other Primary schools from the Trust.
Congratulations to the girls for winning the best performance!!!
CTE Awards
We were really proud of our five Year 6 children who were nominated for an award at the Bradford CTE Skills event held at Bradford University. Whilst we did not win, it was fantastic for their hard work and ideas to be recognised and reach the final.
Values Champions
Arianna (Rec); Vidhaan (Yr. 1); Temidun (Yr. 2); Saleha (Yr. 3) and Inaya S (Yr. 6).
Attendance this Week
The Attendee Bear winner is Yr. 5 with 98.6%
Rec: 96.9%; Year 1: 97.6%; Year 2: 98.5%; Year 3: 98.5%; Year 4: 94.8%; Year 5: 98.6%; Year 6: 98.5%
Whole school so far this year: 95.1%