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Penny Post

our latest newsletter

Children in Need

We would like to thank everybody who supported our coffee morning today.

We were overwhelmed by the number of families who attended.

The final amount raised is £249.22.

Parent Consultations

These will be held week beginning 2nd December.  You should have received your appointments today.  If the time you have been allocated is inconvenient, then please speak to Mrs. Spafford.

Nursery Parents

Nursery parents, it has come to that time of year for applications for Reception Class September 2025.  Please read the information pack you will have received.  Any problems, please speak to Mrs. Spafford.

Labelling Uniform

We have had a number of children who have lost uniform, coats etc. but do not have their names in the items.  It is extremely difficult for staff to find uniform if it is not labelled with your child’s name.  Please ensure all items are labelled.

Christmas Fair

We will be holding a Christmas Fair again this year.  It will be on Friday 13th December in the afternoon.  The school will be closing at 1.15 p.m. to enable parents to attend with their child/ren.   More information will be sent nearer the time.

Co-op Update

  • On Monday 11th November, Mrs Khambhaita and Mrs Spafford attended Safer Recruitment training.
  • On Wednesday Mrs Khambhaita attended a Trust Forum with all the headteachers from the Trust.
  • Mr Waddington is supporting teaching and learning at Co-op Parkland as a SLE.

Values Champions

Ransh (Rec); Hanna (Yr. 1); Murtaza (Yr. 2); Hayah (Yr. 3); Aahil (Yr. 5) and Micah (Yr. 6).

Attendance Bear winners this week are Year 6

Rec: 96.3%;  Year 1: 99.5%;  Year 2: 98.2%;  Year 3: 97.6%;  Year 4: 94.2%;  Year 5: 95.7% and Year 6: 100%.

Whole school so far this year:   97.3%


Rec: 2;  Year 1: 6;  Year 2: 8;  Year 3: 2;  Year 4: 4;  Year 5: 5 and Year 6: 7.

Reception and Year 3 are the winners this week


Wednesday 27th November:    PSHE & RSE Showcase at 9.00 a.m.

Friday 29th November:              Non-uniform day for bottle donation

W/B 2nd December:                   Parent Consultation Meetings

Tuesday 3rd December:            Yr. 3 trip to Cliffe Castle, Keighley

Friday 6th December:                Non-uniform Day for chocolate donation

W/B 9th December:                   Santa Shop

Wednesday 10th December:   Parents Evening (3.30 p.m. — 5.30 pm)

Friday 13th December:             Christmas Jumper Day

                                                      Christmas Fair (1.30 p.m.—3.30 p.m.)

Tuesday 17th December:         Dance and Dine

Wednesday 18th December:  Christmas Production (9.30 a.m.  — mince pies and a drink from 9.00 a.m.)

                                                     Christmas Dinner

Friday 20th December:            School closes for Christmas


Monday 6th January:                School re-opens