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School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children's education.

Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again Ofsted (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the governing board.

At our academy, governors include representatives of staff, parents, our sponsor The Co-op, and other local organisations. Find out more about our Co-op Academies Trust governance, on our trust website.

What do governors do?

School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the head teacher and deputy headteacher. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.
Each individual governor is a member of a governing board, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board.

The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

* set the aims and objectives for the school
* set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
* set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
* monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
* be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)

Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements, other than a willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. There are also different categories of governor:

  • parent
  • staff
  • community
  • foundation
  • partnership
  • local authority
  • 'co-opted'

Liz Upton (CoG)

Full Name

Liz Upton

Date of appointment

15 September 2023

Term of office

4 Years

Category of Governor

Sponsor and Chair of Academy Governing Council (AGC)

Appointed by

Appointed by the Sponsor


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/24


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023/24

Pay Committee: 1/1

A few words from Liz:

I’m really excited to have joined the Academy Governing Council (AGC) as the Chair of Governors for Co-op Academy Penny Oaks who joined the Trust on 1 September 2023. It's great for us all to now be part of the Co-op family - I can already see we have a fantastic school and I am looking forward to being part of their continued success!

I’ve previously been a school governor and have spent nearly 16 years at the Co-op working across many roles including project management, strategy, and colleague communication & engagement. I am passionate about helping to nurture the positive and inclusive environment at the school to ensure the amazing children at Penny Oaks continue to enjoy a positive, well-rounded educational experience so that they can achieve their goals and ambitions in their future.

Outside of work, I can often be found trying to “build memories” with my children (often dragging them outdoors in the cold and wet or getting them involved in some sort of cooking!) or at my local Jujitsu club trying desperately to improve my skills little by little each week – easier said than done!

I’m really looking forward to getting to know the school, the children, and their families more over time.

Simon Gallacher

Full Name

Simon Gallacher

Date of appointment

1 September 2023

Term of office

4 Years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Sponsor


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest

21 September 2021 to present:

Director at Collaborative Education Support Ltd

1 April 2022 to present:

NPQ Coach at Leeds Trinity University

1 October 2022 to present:

Headteacher at Westminster CofE Primary Academy Trust (part of the BDAT Trust)

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/24


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023/24

Pay Committee: 1/1

A few words from Simon:

I've been a governor here for 4 years and am delighted to have renewed my link with the school, as it begins it's exciting journey as Co-op Academy Penny Oaks.

I am Headteacher at Westminster Primary, just off Otley Road, and have had links with the staff here at Penny Oaks for many years having worked in Bradford since 2012. This school is a wonderful, vibrant place and I can't wait to see where we go next!

When I'm not Headteachering or Governing, I am a Dad to two young girls who keep me very much on my toes and Husband to Clare - another teacher! Life is always busy but we enjoy being active: swimming, playing football and practising gymnastics (the girls, not me!) and spending weekends visiting friends and family. Not much rest time!

I hope to meet you in person soon, at one of the many events our school holds to help build and grow our Penny Oaks community.

Caroline Hyde

Full Name

Caroline Hyde

Date of appointment

1 September 2023

Term of office

4 Years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Sponsor



Declarations of Interest

11 Oct 2016 to 1 Jun 2021:

I was Deputy Director of Education, which included what is now Penny Oaks Academy and the Trust we transitioned through to join Co-op (BCWCAT), Director, Governor and Manager for Diocese of Leeds

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/24


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023/24


A few words from Caroline:

I was the Deputy Director of Education for the Diocese of Leeds, so I had been working closely with the governors and staff at the school for several years.  I became a governor to help support the conversion of St Mary's and St Peter's to Co-op Academy Penny Oaks.  I love working with everyone and was honoured when I was asked to stay on as a Community Governor, and we are now firmly established as part of the Co-op Academies Trust.

I have over 25 years' experience as a governor in all different types of schools, as well as working with and training school leaders, governors and local councils.  I have been very lucky to have had a great education, and then the pleasure of seeing all three of my children benefit from the schools they attended in Bristol, Ilkley and Leeds.  I see being a governor as a way of helping offer the same opportunities to children and young people today and in the future.

I live in Ilkley and am now retired, although I do some consultancy work with schools and governance training.  I also help coordinate a support group for Ukrainian refugees.  I love walking and this summer I am planning to do a 120-mile walk over several days with friends in the Highlands of Scotland.  I grow vegetables in my garden and love cooking.  My children are now grown up, but I have 3 small grandchildren, including baby twins, who keep me very busy.

Co-op Academy Penny Oaks is a wonderful academy with great children and staff, and I am very proud to be part of it.

Dee Varanda

Full Name

Dee Varanda

Date of appointment

1 September 2023

Term of office

4 Years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Sponsor


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/24


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022/23

Pay Committee: 1/1

A few words from Dee:

I started as a Parent Governor and was previously Chair of Governors when we were St Mary's and St Peter's Primary school.  I have enjoyed my role of governor and being part of this great community we have which offers our children the opportunity to learn and thrive.

Since St Mary's and St Peter's Primary School converted to Co-op Academy Penny Oaks, I was eager to continue my role as governor and am now a Community Governor for the academy, which has given me the opportunity to network with a vast number of governors across the Trust with different experiences and expertise and I really look forward to learning a lot and increasing the positive learning already in place within the academy.

My children attend Co-op Academy Penny Oaks, so I can relate to the praises and worries that other parents may have.  However, as a whole, I'm positive that we can work together to give our children the best possible outcomes.

Michelle Khambhaita

Full Name

Michelle Khambhaita

Date of appointment

1 September 2023

Term of office


Category of Governor


Appointed by

By virtue of appointment as Headteacher


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/24


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023/24

Pay Committee: 1/1

Tazeem Akhtar

Full Name

Tazeem Akhtar

Date of appointment

18 September 2023

Term of office

4 Years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by parents



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/24


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023/24


A few words from Tazeem:

I have been Parent and SEND Link Governor for a year and I am enjoying the role along with the responsibilities.

Co-op Academy Penny Oaks (Formerly St Peter’s and then St Mary’s and St Peter’s) has been part of my life for a long time. I attended this school as a child and my children followed in my footsteps.

I am a Mum to 4 kids, one of whom is currently at Penny Oaks, whilst the others are in secondary school and university. I have been involved in various school events and activities and therefore am fully committed to delivering the best for the School.  If you ever see an event advertised, please join us as they're a really good way to get to know the school and to be able to interact with staff and other parents.

I was a Parent Champion for The National Literacy Trust and I used to run the Toddler Group for the school which has enabled me to form a great relationship with staff and parents.

My hobbies include reading, walking and spending time with my family.

Emmerson Walgrove

Full Name

Emmerson Walgrove

Date of appointment

6 December 2023

Term of office

4 Years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the AGC



Declarations of Interest

4 December 2023 to present:

Director and Trustee at Sight Airedale

29 July 2019 to present:

Director and Trustee at Bradford Cyrenians

8 November 2014 to present:

Chair and Safeguarding Officer at The Company of Servers (CoS) Diocese of Leeds Chapter

15 April 2019 to present:

Parochial Church Council (PCC) at The Parish of Saint Chad's Toller Lane, Bradford

22 May 2017 to present:

Honorary Visiting Service user and Career Representative at University of Bradford

19 May 2014 to present:

Deputy Chair at The City of Bradford Festival of Talent

14 May 2001 to present: 

Chair at Speakout Bradford and District

4 October 2021 to present:

Social Media Manager at Disabled People's Action Group (DPAG)

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/2024


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023/24


A few words from Emmerson:

I have lived in the Bradford District all my life and regularly attend the
Parish of S. Chad’s, Toller Lane, Bradford, where I am a Trustee, and I am
also the Chair and Safeguarding Officer at the Company of Servers (CoS)
Diocese of Leeds Chapter.

I have been the Deputy Chair of the City of Bradford Festival of Talent since
2015, which is for Primary and Secondary school children in the Bradford
District to perform and shine on the stage, but who might otherwise never
get the opportunity and the competition has been held every year since

Recently I became a Director and Trustee of Sight Airedale which is a
charity that supports local people living with sight loss. I have been a
Director and Trustee of Bradford Cyrenians for over 8 years, which aims to
provide flexible, preventative support services to vulnerable communities
and the homeless who present with a wide range of multiple complex

Laura Atkinson

Full Name

Laura Atkinson

Date of appointment

15 September 2023

Term of office

4 Years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by staff



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023/24


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023/24


A few words from Laura:

Since joining the school as a trainee teacher in 2020, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with our pupils and their families. I am currently the Year 3 class teacher and the Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish) subject lead. Recently, I have completed a Masters of Education, with Sheffield Hallam University, and hope to draw upon this in my role as a governor. I am excited to be a part of the Academy Governing Council (AGC) and to have the opportunity to help shape and continue to strengthen our school.

For over 15 years I have been a volunteer with Brownie and Guide groups, working with children between the ages of 7 and 14. As part of this I have offered children a wide range of experiences, from DIY to ziplining, aimed at helping gain key life skills and become well-rounded individuals. This is something I am passionate about and keen to share with the pupils at Penny Oaks.

In my spare time I am an avid reader and like to travel to new places.